Bringing Children to Bonnaroo? Kidz Jam is Here to Help

Bringing Children to Bonnaroo? Let us Help! photo by kay la la

Many will argue that a music and arts festival isn't the place for kids, but thousands of parents would disagree. Think of all of the opportunities to enrich our children's worlds with these experiences. If you are bringing children to Bonnaroo, there are more than a few guides from experienced parents that are willing to lend some advice.

It is easier than you think to guide kids away from the do-not-look situations, and find joy in all of the art, culture and wonderful new friends at events like Bonnaroo. In this guide from Chris Griffy at Examiner, he puts Kidz Jam as a major point in surviving Bonnaroo with kids.

Since we provide cold water, earplugs, sunscreen and even fresh fruit to kids at Bonnaroo, parents need not fear being without the basics. In addition, we offer a safe, shady spot in the middle of all the action. Parents can hear the music from the nearby That and This stages, and even the Solar stage next door.

Guffy reports in his article, "Another service that Bonnaroo offers parents is a partnership with KidzJam. KidzJam is a traveling non-profit dedicated to providing a safe and fun environment for kids at music festivals. They provide fun activities, toys, a sandbox, and children's survival packs to kids attending Bonnaroo. KidzJam activities are geared for parents and children to enjoy together, KidzJam is not a babysitting service."

On top of all that, we're painting faces, painting crafts... and having a lot of fun that doesn't involve paint. Maybe. Have you ever shot a mini marshmallow at a stranger walking by? The kids at Kidz Jam do this all day, blow-dart style. Okay, the parents do, too.

If you're bringing the kids, join us at Kidz Jam at Bonnaroo.

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