Prepare the Kids for the Event

Talking to your children about what to expect is a great way to avoid conflict later in the trip. Let your kids know what is going to happen at the festival. If they've never been camping before, tell them that you'll be sleeping in a tent, cooking your own food, staying outside, how to use port-o-pots and all about campfire safety.

At music festivals there are some special considerations. Jazz you kids up for the fest by listening to the bands that you're going to see and looking at photos online. If your kids aren't into the music, then you'll most likely be dealing with a bored little person during the entirety of the show. Let them know that bands play at different times, and that you'll be heading to the stage at different points during the day. tell them not to let you forget that Keller starts at 2:00. This makes them feel like they are part of the action, too.

Vendors are everywhere at a fest, and it's important for kids to understand that, sadly, we aren't made of money. Just like at the store back home, talk to them about begging you for everything in sight. The key is to talk to them about it before you arrive at the festival. This way, you've already laid the ground rules. Consider letting your kids sell a pack of glow sticks to your friends so that they have a little bit of spending money, and learn something about earning money in the process.

Food vendors are especially difficult to dodge at times, and even the best of us grown-ups give in to temptation.

Letting your children know that's back at camp and getting them helping with making the food may help to curb that 'deep fried Oreo' craving. Again, talk to your kids before you get to the festival about how many treats they are going to have from the food vendors. Also, keep snacks in your backpack and feed them before you get near the vendors.

Do you have any tips on talking to the kids?

What Should We Bring?
Where Should We Camp?
How do We Prepare the Kids?
What About Safety?

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